Mrs. Dominique Bazin, 7020 District Governor 24-25
The Magic of Rotary
The Magic of Rotary
Calling out all Rotarians and Rotaractors! Save the Date: Rotary Foundation Annual Gala & DG Fundraising Dinner 🎉 Mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening of impact and inspiration! 🎉 Join us for the Annual Rotary Foundation Gala & Fundraiser as we come together to make a difference in our community and beyond. This year, […]
Catch up with Advisors for Interact Clubs sponsored by RCN.  Every third Sun @ 5pm
Hello Fellow RotariansNovember is Rotary Foundation Month!Come and join Rotary After Dark, RCEN Satellite Club, as we have an exciting meeting with dynamic and informative speakers. We look forward to having our RADsters engage with our RCEN family and other Rotarian friends.  If you are attending in person, please ensure you register, so your place setting […]
RCN Board Meeting 3rd Mon each month @ 6pm
RCN Weekly Meeting every Tue @ 1pm
Foundation Committee Meeting 3rd Wed each month @ 7pm
The Rotary Foundation