Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year
The Rotary Club of Abaco provides an Annual Scholarship to an Abaco Student in the amount of $1,000 - $1,500 participating in the The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year
Pastor Ryan Forbes
Be an Inspiration, Make an Impact
RCOA ExtraOrdinary Meeting
RCOA celebrated it 2024-2025 Changeover with Guest Speaker Pastor Ryan Forbes "Be An Inspiration, Make an Impact"
Summer Whale Camp
The Rotary Club of Abaco partners each year with the Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organization Summer Whale Camp with a donation of $1,000.00 to assist Students throughout the Bahamas to attend info@bahamaswhales.org www.https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbahamaswhales.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3lumm7EUM-4Rxn42tJRN_iOGRLva09YHNbz-He_xOm91lfI2Xe0eyxgZk_aem_eoBKombEWnDSi-Lb1dZSHg&h=AT2ovQjParXrxHaEgcWAudRQk-HwWXnUtuP1RQYwfXcJ5Ys5_sfwZEaO-RcnEqhy3AA1KJnYcnBLLn3-eGbnZw73tQ7BOoFS0aYAhPbdEyuUGRErQ-ZRf8bcdDOJpW817-Mbahamaswhales.org
John Gibson
Embracing Computer Literacy for Primary Students
Club Meeting
Mrs. Sandy Edwards, Senior Education Officer will speak on 'Literacy - Achievements and Challenges in the Abacos'
Joint Meeting with Rotary Club of Eleuthera
Guest Speaker Past President Doneth Cartwright - RC of Nassau Sunrise ( via Zoom) Topic - Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts
Seniors Citizens Lunch & Movie
Annual Senior Citizens Lunch & Movie in partnership with The Dept of Social Services at Friendship Tabernacle Church Hall