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February 24, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Kindly register upon receipt. We close out the month with speaker Kevin Hudson, Vice President of Underwriting & Reinsurance, Bahamas First General Insurance Company Limited. This Friday he will speak on the Challenges of Property Insurance in the Current Environment. It is known that the insurance market has hardened. Come hear first hands about what this means for property owners. Additionally, bring your questions about commericial, residential and multi-family property insurance matters. We hope the insight gained will leave you with additional understanding or tips to negotiate or navigate the current insurance environment. We hope to see everyone in person to reconnect and fellowship! If not possible, kindly find zoom link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84180896644?pwd=UkpUZExUTXlTWjdBZFlkRDJucFZuUT09